
  • Oil Paintings

    $ 5 per square inch

    1-3 month turnaround

    Oil paint on canvas

    Ideal for medium to large paintings. I can recommend suggested canvas or panel size.

    Limited to landscape reference photos (i.e. no people, animals, architecture). Exceptions can be made upon request.

  • Watercolor/Gouache Paintings

    $4 per square inch

    1-4 week turnaround

    Watercolor/Gouache on archival paper

    Ideal for small paintings that intend to be framed. Minimum size is 5 x 7 inches. Maximum size is 10 x 14 inches.

    Limited to landscape reference photos (i.e. no people, animals, architecture). Exceptions can be made upon request.

  • Poster Design

    Pricing upon request

    1-5 week turnaround

    Medium varies based on project

    Ideal for band posters, festival merchandise, small business events, etc. Final product is a digital file that may be mass produced/printed for sale at events.

Submit request

Due to high volume of interest, submitting a request does not guarantee you a commission slot. Prices are subject to change based on project. Submitting this form means you have reviewed the pricing guidelines and understand the general price range for the painting you are requesting. If selected for a commission, I will be in contact with you soon.